The Italian Speaking Competition is organised by the Italian Language Centre (a division of Co.As.It. Community Services Ltd) supported by MAECI (Ministero Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale).

The competition aims to allow language students to express their ideas, display their language skills and gain confidence in using the language they are studying.

Schools may enter in ONE of the following regions which will be judged as 3 separate competitions.

REGION 1: South Brisbane

South of Brisbane River and Gold Coast

REGION 2: North Brisbane

North of Brisbane River and Sunshine Coast

REGION 3: Far North Queensland

Townsville-Cairns and surrounding districts


  1. Entry fee: $5.00 per student. Payment is completed online after registration submission.
  2. Primary categories: Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Primary OPEN (Yr2-Yr6)
  3. Secondary categories: Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Middle OPEN (Yr7-Yr9), Senior OPEN (Yr10-Yr 12)
  4. Students in Primary categories recite a poem from the selection provided (see green buttons). Students in Secondary categories present a speech as outlined in the speech guidelines (see green buttons).
  5. Registration forms must be completed online here. Upon submission, you will receive a confirmation email including a summary of the entries and a link to the payment page. A copy of the registrations must be forwarded TOGETHER WITH the video clips.
  6. Before submitting the registration form please read the Competition Rules and video clip Delivery Options (see green button).
  • Videos will only be accessed by authorised judges of the ILC Italian Speaking Competition,
  • Videos will be viewed solely for the purpose of judging the competition,
  • De-identified still images may be captured from videos for promotional use on the ILC website and Facebook business page,
  • Student names will be collected and stored solely for the purpose of notifying teachers of award winners and issuing participant and winning certificates.
Ambasciata d'Italia Canberra (logo)

Italian Speaking Competition 2023

Video-clip entries are due together with PROOF OF PAYMENT and LIST OF ENTRANTS no later than 8 September 2023.

REGISTER & PAY NOW Italian Speaking Competition 2023 Rules

Poems for years 2-6

YEAR 2 POEMS Year 3 Poems Year 4 Poems Year 5 Poems Year 6 Poems YrS 2-6 oPEN Poems

Speech Guidelines for years 7-12

YRS 7-12 Speech Guidelines Speech Guidelines OPEN DIVISIONS