Bluey and the Magical World of Threads and Smiles


OGGI (Today) I met my new AMICA (friend) Veronica and her beautiful GATTO (cat) named BRICIOLA (Crumb).

BRICIOLA È UN GATTO DOLCISSIMO (Briociola is a sweet cat) and Veronica HA UN SORRISO GRANDE GRANDE (has a big smile) and is always FELICE (happy).

Her family is super cool too: IL SIGNOR (Mr) Antonio (her daddy) is a police man and I got to see what UNA MACCHINA DELLA POLIZIA looks like inside. It wasn’t a LAMBORGHINI HURACAN (like many police men have now) but UNA BELLISSIMA ALFA ROMEO…soooo beautiful!!!!!

LA SIGNORA Rita (her mummy) is a real artist and has the coolest job ever – she makes clothes! Can you imagine? Lucky Veronica!!!

Veronica told me that her family has been making beautiful clothes for years. Some of the clothes are made for exhibitions or parades and others are made for weddings…How cool is that!!!

When we got to Veronica’s house, there were statues and paintings everywhere “QUESTI LI HA DIPINTI MIA MAMMA!” (These were made by my mum) and her bedroom had a cool chair that she made with her mummy and lots of cool dresses too.

We then we went downstairs where her mummy creates her beautiful dresses. There were STOFFA COLORATA (colourful fabrics) everywhere – reds, blues, greens, and so many patterns.

Her mom was sewing something that looked really fancy, and her grandmother, SIGNORA (Mrs) Lucia was helping by cutting out fabric shapes.

They let us try on some scraps as capes, and we spun around pretending we were superheroes!

Veronica’s mum continued carefully hand-stitching tiny little details on a jacket. She showed us how to thread a needle and let us sew a button onto a scrap of fabric.

I think mine turned out a little wonky, but she said it looked “perfectly unique.” SIGNORA (Mrs) Lucia then helped us design our own mini outfits for our toys!

I made UN MANTELLO VIOLA (a purple cape for) Chattermax, and my friend Veronica made a cool vest for her stuffed koala.

Today was truly amazing. Veronica’s ’s family showed me that making clothes is like making art – every stitch, colour, and fabric is special, just like friends.

