Bluey discovers the architectural wonders of Milan


Boy QUANTO HO IMPARATO OGGI! (Boy who much did I learn today!).

LA MIA PRIMA FERMATA (My first stop) was at the LA SCALA Opera House, right NEL CUORE DI MILANO (in the heart of Milano).

It is officially CONOSCIUTA (known) as the TEATRO ALLA SCALA, and it is one the most famous Opera Houses in the world.

It was absolutely breathtaking!

LO SAPEVI CHE (did you know that) many COMPOSITORI FAMOSI (famous composers), such as Verdi, Puccini and Rossini, premiered their works here?

After admiring the exterior, I went DENTRO (inside) where I felt like being in UNA FAVOLA (a Fairy Tale).

The chandeliers sparkled like STELLE (stars), and LE POLTRONE DI VELLUTO ROSSO (the red velvet seats) looked so fancy.

LO SAPEVI CHE (did you know that) LA SCALA opened in 1778 and that it was designed by Neoclassical architect Giuseppe Piermarini?

While I was admiring the beautiful interiors, I couldn’t help myself but think about how young the Sydney Opera House is compared to the SCALA and how different they look.

LO SAPEVI CHE (did you know that) the Sydney Opera House, set against the stunning backdrop of Sydney Harbour, opened only in 1973 and that it was designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon?

SONO STATA COSÌ FORTUNATA (I was so lucky) that I also got to see a rehearsal of Turandot by Giacomo Puccini. It was magical watching I CANTANTI E I MUSICISTI (the singers and the musicians) practise.

I felt like I was part of something really special!

After having experienced one the most touching moments of my life I left and made my way towards the GALLERIA VITTORIO EMANUELE II which I wanted to visit yesterday but felt too full (after eating all my RISOTTO ALLA MILANESE CON OSSOBUCO.)

I was told that the GALLERIA, named after the first King of the Kingdom of Italy and opened in 1877, is one of the oldest malls in the world MA TU LO SAPEVI CHE (did you know that) the Royal Arcade of Melbourne actually opened in 1870 making it older than the GALLERIA VITTORIO EMANUELE II? Impressive!

When I entered the GALLERIA, I was blown away by the beautiful architecture. The glass ceiling was so high and filled with light, and the floors were covered in intricate mosaic patterns.

I found a spot with a mosaic of a bull on the floor and a lady told me PORTA FORTUNA (it is good luck) to spin around him and, I did just that. I started spinning round and around, laughing and feeling a little dizzy too.

After that hilarious moment I thought it was time for a treat so I walked in the PASTICCERIA MARCHESI where I had the best CIOCCOLATA CALDA (hot chocolate) ever….

My final stop, before returning to the hotel, was the DUOMO of MILANO, where I had arranged to meet a friend from S.STEFANO DI CAMASTRA who like me, is here for the weekend.

After admiring the magnificent exterior, we climbed the stairs to the rooftop where we enjoyed breathtaking views across Milano and saw the famous MADONNINA, the gold-coloured statue of Mary that stands on the cathedral’s highest spire.

LO SAPEVI CHE (did you know that) there are more statues on this gothic-style cathedral than any other building in the world? There are 3,400 statues.

E LO SAPEVI CHE (And did you know that) the construction began in 1386 on an ancient Roman site, a location so central that all of the city’s main streets radiate from this spot?

E LO SAPEVI CHE (And did you know that) and took 5 centuries to complete?

CARO DIARIO, I think I will have to go back to the DUOMO as there is still so much more to learn about…but for tonight, that is all…SONO STANCA E VADO A LETTO (I am tired and I am off to bed)

SOGNI D’ORO (Sweet dreams).


  1. Bluey davanti al Duomo di Milano.
  2. Bluey visita la Galleria.