Dear Diary,
Guess what? Today is the BIG day! I’m leaving my cozy little room in Brisbane and heading to Italy! Can you believe it? Italy!
I still can’t put my head around the fact that in 23 hours I will be in the Country of food, history, culture, art, love, fashion…
My suitcase is packed to the brim and I’ve got my passport and ticket ready to set off on this once in a lifetime experience!
SONO EMOZIONATA “I am excited” and “Can hardly wait” NON VEDO L’ORA DI ARRIVARE!
As I make my way to the airport, a mix of excitement and nervousness runs through my paws… but ALL’ IMPROVVISO, the taxi driver’s voice cuts through my daydreams: DOVE VAI DI BELLO? “Where are you off to?” he asks. “Italy!” I reply and just like that I find myself sharing all the details of my trip. He listens, nodding and smiling… I feel like I’m there already!
Boarding the plane, I snuggle into my seat, clutching my diary (that’s you!) close. I start thinking of the wonderful adventures that lie ahead and instantly feel relaxed. I no longer fear leaving for the unknown. Off I go, into the sky, across the seas, to a place where every corner promises new friendships, amazing food and a new adventure – the Grand Adventure of Bluey in Italy! J

- Bluey è a casa. Aspetta il taxi.
- Bluey è al check in di Brisbane.
- Bluey è a Brisbane, ha appena fatto il check in.

- Bluey è con lo stewart della Singapore-Lufthansa Airlines.
- Bluey beve il caffè
- Bluey è nella cabina di pilotaggio.