Dear Diary,
Today our class went on a school excursion to the local ceramic school, IL LICEO ARTISTICO, and it was SO much fun!
We all lined up IN UNA LINEA PERFETTA (in a perfect line) and walked through the charming little streets of the town singing Italian songs. My favourite has to be “CI SON 2 COCCODRILLI ED UN ORANGOTANGO, DUE PICCOLI SERPENTI, UN’AQUILA REALE, UN GATTO, UN TOPO, UN ELEFANTE, NON MANCA PIÙ NESSUNO, SOLO NON SI VEDONO I DUE LEOCORNI”
As soon as we got there, we met a really nice teacher named PROFESSORESSA Tina, who showed us around.
PROF Tina told us that we’d be making our very own clay project to take home. I could already tell this was going to be awesome.
We sat down at the tables, and she showed us how to work the clay.
I decided to make a little CANE (dog), like me! I wanted to give it ORECCHIE GRANDI (big ears) and UNA CODA SCODINZOLANTE (a waggy tail), just like Bingo’s.
“COME SEI BRAVA BLUEY” (How good are you!) my friends kept telling me…and yes, I looked like a professional having already taken some lessons during a previous visit to a Ceramic Shop.
After shaping our projects, PROF Tina showed us how to use the potter’s wheel and then we went to the painting classroom where we got to paint our pieces, I gave my clay dog bright blue fur (of course).
We left our creations at the ceramic school so they could be baked in the kiln, a gigantic oven for pottery.
I can’t wait to get mine back!
On the way home, everyone kept talking about what they made, and the walk back to school was filled with chatter and laughter.
I really want to go back to that ceramic school again – maybe next time, I’ll make a whole set of Bluey mugs!
The highlight of the visit was seeing the beautiful STATUE DEL PRESEPE, (The Nativity Statues) all hand-made pieces CREATE (created) and DECORATE (decorated) by some of the very talented students, I loved it.
Well, that’s all for now, Diary. I’m off to tell Mum and Dad all about it. I think they’ll be happy to hear that I made a clay dog for Bingo!!!
Woof woof,