Italian for Beginners
Welcome to ILC ~ Authentic Italian ~
Parli Italiano? Our teachers are native Italian speakers who would love to have you join one of our popular interactive classes ideal for beginners. There are two beginner Italian classes to choose from depending on whether you prefer an emphasis on spoken Italian or a more structured and grammar based learning style.
Talk Italian covers basic language for everyday situations. Emphasis is on pronunciation, listening and speaking. Suitable for those who wish to travel to Italy.
Talk It part 1 - Enrolment and timetableBEGINNERS A1 / PART 1 / SEMESTER 1
For students who enjoy a more structured, traditional learning process covering the four columns of learning a language: reading, writing, listening, speaking.
Beginners A1 Part 1 - enrolment and timetableAbout the Italian Language Centre
The Italian Language Centre (ILC) has been actively involved in the promotion and teaching of Italian language and culture in Queensland for more than 30 years.
Our teachers are passionate about Italian language and culture and provide the authentic Italian language experience in Brisbane. Our beginner Italian classes are popular with students who enjoy a fun and engaging learning environment.
Classes are lots of fun and provide opportunity for you to join us for Italian social events during the year if you choose. Click through to register for a class or if you have questions please call (07) 3624 6172 or complete the ‘request more information’ form.
Click to see all Italian classesMy teacher has created an excellent atmosphere in which all students can learn, thrive and have fun at the same time. I look forward to each class.
Stephen – Talk Italian Part 2