OGGI È STATA UNA GIORNATA FANTASTICA CHE NON DIMENTICHERÒ MAI! (Today was an incredible day that I will never forget!)
SONO ANDATA ALLE PROVE DI NUOTO AUSTRALIANE PER LE QUALIFICHE ALLE OLIMPIADI 2024 DI PARIGI, E CHE ESPERIENZA È STATA! (I went to the Australian swimming trials for the 2024 Paris Olympics, and what an experience it was!)
I am so grateful that my new friends, Ella (a Prep student) and Ollie (a Year 2 student), could take me along with their family.
In the car on the way to the swimming trials, they explained to me about how much GLI AUSTRALIANI (Aussies) AMANO (love) their sports and AVEVANO RAGIONE! (they were right!)
From the moment we arrived at the venue, I could feel the electric ATMOSFERA (atmosphere). The stands were packed with enthusiastic fans, cheering on their favourite swimmers. HO IMPARATO (I learnt) that if you call out: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! – people will echo you with ”Oi, Oi, Oi”. It was exhilarating to watch the hopeful swimmers thrash through the water as fast as they could to try and secure themselves a position on the team. I made sure to teach Ella and Ollie that in Italy we shout “FORZA ITALIA!” to cheer on our national team!
I also discovered that young and old Australians, love being in and on the water, whether it’s the beautiful beaches or their own or a local swimming pool. In fact, many Australians learn to swim before they can even talk! Can you believe that!! Maybe that’s why the Aussie Olympic team get so many medals at the Olympics! I bet they’ll do great this year too!
On the drive back home, Ella told me that she plays Rugby league. She even went through some of LE REGOLE (the rules) and while SEMBRA (it looks) pretty rough to play with all the tackling, it is really exciting.
QUI IN AUSTRALIA (Here in Australia) people love to watch the footy, whether its Rugby League, Rugby Union or AFL.
But don’t forget soccer! In fact, Oliver AMA GIOCARE A CALCIO (loves to play soccer). Aussies adore their soccer and last year Australia and New Zealand hosted LA COPPA MONDIALE FEMMINILE (the Women’s World Cup). LA SQUADRA AUSTRALIANA (The Aussie team), CHE SI CHIAMA (called) the Matilda’s, did really well and the whole country was so proud of them.
I taught Oliver how we say soccer in Italian – CALCIO and that the word also means a ‘kick’
It’s also clear that for Australians, GLI SPORT (sports) are more than just games—they’re a way of life.
I wonder what my next Aussie adventure will be and what more new and interesting things I will be able to learn about Australian culture and what it’s like to be an Aussie kid from my St Columba’s friends.

- Pimpa al Brisbane Aquatic Center -GO AUSSIE OI OI OI!
- Pimpa, Ollie ed Ella pronti per tifare.
- Pimpa ed Ella al campo di Rugby.