Pimpa goes to St Columba’s Primary School Fete

Wow! St Columba’s Primary School surely knows how to celebrate! Every two years, the school hosts a wonderful fete that unites the entire school community, and I was lucky enough to tag along with my new friends Macsen from Year 2, and Arianwen from Prep! 
There was so much to do! Lolly stalls, games, huge rides, food trucks and my favourite of all, the animal rides where you strap on a helmet and ride around on cool mechanical animals on the school tennis court!  Arianwen took me for a ride on a big Peppa Pig and it was so cooooool! 
Afterward, we snacked on fairy floss, patted baby animals that came to visit the school and won heaps of chocolate at this fun activity called ‘lob a chock ‘.
One of the highlights of the day was when we watched each grade dance together for the parents and families that came along to support. There even was an Italian dance performance by the Year 6 class. They executed a beautiful choreography to the song ‘Supereroi’ by the Italian singer Mr Rain. And finally, the whole school joined for a big dance and I bopped along as I watched my friends show off their cool moves! 
Year 4 and 6 students had on display some amazing Artworks that they had been working on in their Italian Art lessons –  they were spectacular! 
My friend Giovanna came along to share information about learning Italian at the Italian Language Centre located in Lutwyche. Also, many of my friends popped in with their families for an Italian chat with her and Signora Isabella. 
We truly have some talented linguists and artists at this school, I must say! 
I loved my day at the school fete and I really feel like I’m a part of this beautiful St Columba’s school community. I can’t wait for our next big school celebration which is Book Week, coming up in a few weeks! 
I wonder if anyone might even dress up as me?
  1. Pimpa, Macsen e Arianwen in sella a Peppa Pig.
  2. Pimpa che non vede l’ora di mangiare un po’ di zucchero filato.
  3. Pimpa che sta per spazzolare una pecora.
  4. Pimpa si riposa dopo il ballo della scuola.