Pimpa receives a message from home

Dear Diary,

Today, on my way back from I NEGOZI (the shops), I received a message from MAESTRA Daniela.

She wrote: “CI MANCHI TANTO, PIMPA (we miss you so much) È COME SE TU FOSSI ANCORA QUI!” (It is as if you were still here).
My heart turned into a fluffy marshmallow – a mix of happy and sad emotions swirled within me.

She shared snapshots of our classroom and it wasn’t just an ordinary day at school. In the photos, I MIEI COMPAGNI DI CLASSE (my school friend) had taken my books and arranged them all around the room.
Scrolling through those images, it felt like a part of me was still there with them – a bit like I had a mysterious twin rocking the classroom!

I am so lucky to have such beautiful friends – I have hit the JACKPOT DELL’ AMICIZIA (the friendship jackpot) with these amazing schoolmates!!!

A DOPO (talk later/see you later),


  1. Il libro di Pimpa è sulla scrivania della maestra.
  2. Nelle classi italiane i bambini indossano il grembiule.
  3. Il libro di Pimpa è sul davanzale della finestra.
  1. Queste sono le regole della classe 3A.
  2. Il libro di Pimpa è sotto la cartina geografica.
  3. In classe è l’una e un quarto.