Dear Diary,
Today marks a monumental day in my life! DOPO MESI (after months) of planning, packing and saying heartfelt goodbyes to friends and family in Italy, SONO FINALMENTE ARRIVATA A BRISBANE (I have finally arrived in Brisbane).
IL VIAGGIO (the journey) was long and exhausting, but my excitement kept me going. Brisbane welcomed me with a warm sunshine and a gentle breeze so, after unpacking and having UN CAPPUCCINO E CORNETTO (a cappuccino and croissant) I decided to take a trip to the Sunshine Coast.
I have heard so much about the stunning SPIAGGE (beaches) and I couldn’t wait to see them myself.
SFORTUNATAMENTE (unfortunately), IL TEMPO (the weather) soon changed and APPENA SONO ARRIVATA (as soon as I arrived), it started raining.
I had been AVVISATA (warned) that the weather QUI A BRISBANE (here in Brisbane) could be quite unpredictable, especially during the winter months.
PER FORTUNA (lucky) I had my beautiful SCIARPA (scarf) and IMPERMEABILE (raincoat) that I bought L’ALTRO GIORNO (the other day) at the Giorgio Armani store A MILANO (in Milan), perfect for adding a touch of ELEGANZA (elegance) while keeping me warm!
LA SPIAGGIA (the beach) was DESERTA (deserted) and GRIGIA (grey), but this didn’t stop me from taking beautiful FOTO (photos).
ALL’IMPROVVISO (suddenly), it started raining heavily and we all ran to the cars.
When it stopped raining we decided to go for a walk SUL LUNGOMARE (along the promenade) where I encountered two friendly and approachable POLIZIOTTI (police officers) who were happy to take a FOTO (photo) with me.
They embodied the laid-back nature of AUSTRALINI (Australians) that I have heard so much about and even LA LORO UNIFORME (their uniforms) were less formal and militaristic than those of the CARABINIERI and POLIZIA (Italian police forces).
CARO DIARIO (Dear Diary), my journey has just begun, and already Australia is revealing its wonders to me.
I am excited for what tomorrow will bring, but ADESSO (now) I will try and get some sleep and dream about the adventures that lie ahead.
BUONANOTTE DIARIO (goodnight diary)
- Pimpa è arrivata a Brisbane.
- Pimpa è in macchina.
- Pimpa è sulla spiaggia della SunShine Coast.
- Pimpa incontra 2 poliziotti australiani.