Dear Diary,
This morning while I was having my COLAZIONE PREFERITA (my favourite breakfast) PANE E NUTELLA (bread and Nutella) I found myself wondering if I will be able to find my favourite foods in Brisbane.
It is a big change, and although I have heard that Brisbane has a good variety of international stores and quality shops, IL CIBO (food) is such a big part of my CULTURA (culture) and my identity.
You know CARISSIMO DIARIO (dearest Diary) how excited I am about this adventure, but a part of me worries about missing these little comforts from home…
HO UNA IDEA! (I have an idea)
MI PREPARO (I will get ready) and VADO A FARE LA SPESA CON LA ZIA (go grocery shopping with Aunt) to stock up on all the yummy Italian treats I love! That way, I can enjoy a taste of home right before I jet off to my new adventure down under! What a brilliant plan, right?

- Pimpa ha fatto la spesa…Chissà cosa ha comprato
- Pimpa compra la pasta
- Pimpa compra il formaggio

- Pimpa compra il pesce
- Pimpa compra la bottiglia di passata
- Pimpa è golosa e compra la nutella