Pimpa’s pawsome friends


What a whirlwind of fun and new friends this year at St Columba’s Primary School is! I feel like the luckiest dog in the world, meeting so many amazing people and having the best adventures ever!

Recently, Oliver, from Year 3, took me along to his AFL training session to show me the ropes of this unique Aussie game! Wow, super different to the CALCIO I am used to, but such great fun! Those Aussies really love their footy, don’t they? I even got to kick the ball a few times—what a blast!

And then there’s Matthew from Year 2 and his adorable little brother, who are huge fans of the Brisbane Broncos! They took me on a fantastic tour of the city, pointing out all the cool spots and teaching me the ins and outs of rugby. I was jumping with excitement the whole time!

But wait, there’s more! Emma from Year 3 and her little brother Liam, from Prep, took me on a family trip to Bunnings! Have you ever been to Bunnings? It’s like a magical land of tools and treasures! We had the most delicious sausage on bread, and then we zoomed over to the skate park to race toy cars – vroom vroom!

The school holidays are just around the corner! I’m buzzing with excitement, wondering if I’ll get to visit some of Queensland’s stunning beaches or maybe even some thrilling theme parks on the Gold Coast! The possibilities are endless, and I can hardly wait!

A PRESTO, my dear diary!


  1. Oliver che è felice di portarmi al suo allenamento di AFL.
  2. Matthew, il suo fratellino ed io guardiamo le persone che arrivano allo stadio.
  3. È ora di andare a vedere la partita allo stadio!
  4. Emma, Liam e io ci divertiamo da Bunnings.
  5. Noi che divoriamo un pane e una salsiccia fuori da Bunnings.
  6. Le nostre macchinine preparate per la gara